Working from Home Diaries

Jonny pic working from home

Work from Home Diaries: Jonathan Greening

We had a chat to Jonathan, Director at Archway Recruitment on his approach to working flexibility.

In one sentence what is your job?

My role entails anything and everything required to help the business run efficiently.

How long does it normally take you to commute when you work in the office?

20 mins

How do you utilise the flexible working environment at Archway to better your work/life balance?

Broadly speaking I don’t have to arrange my days into work or private. On a daily basis I have the flexibility to go to the gym, arrange appointments or just recharge my batteries as required. I can also be more available and present for my family, I can walk my kids to school rather than kick them out of the car as I slow down driving past the school. I can watch a sports day or an assembly rather than hear about it at the dinner table.

What do you love about working from home?

I like being able to break up my day. I can go for a walk, sort something out around the house or just play with the dog. These breaks allow me to genuinely focus on a task much more effectively than I would if I had been tied to my desk for 8 hours. The quality of my work increases dramatically.

What do you miss from the office when you are working from home?

I miss the camaraderie. I find brainstorming an idea around the office as a really effective way of overcoming a problem. I also enjoy picking up new ideas from the team. It is difficult to learn when you are working from home.

How do you think Covid19 has changed the way people are working?

Both with the Archway team and your clients. I think organisations who were open to flexibility and trusted their staff have been rewarded for their approach. I still hear of companies with “set” flexibility i.e. you can work from home on certain days or times. As obvious as it sounds, flexibility should be flexible.

As a Director at Archway, what is your view on a flexible working culture?

I would like to think that we are flexible about our flexibility. Our staff are still accountable for achieving targets and deadlines and if it isn’t working we are not afraid to have a discussion on the reasons for it. In many cases it isn’t the flexibility. COVID19 has fast tracked the future of work and the way we work!


Posted in

18 Nov 2020